Job Bank

Associate/Full Professor – MIND Institute

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, is recruiting for an Associate/Full Professor rank in the Ladder /In Residence series. This position is critical to the growth and expansion of research programs...

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Research Assistant Position – UConn

The Cognition, Action, and Psychophysiology (CAP) Lab (, PI: Dr. Kimberly Cuevas) in the Department of Psychological Sciences, at the University of Connecticut, Waterbury Campus is seeking a full-time Research Assistant. The successful...

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PhD Studentship in Deep Neural Networks for Medical Imaging

Brain development in infants and its disruption by preterm birth or perinatal injury, can be measured with functional MRI (fMRI). Unfortunately, infants move in the scanner and half the images are discarded, precluding clinical application. In recent years, deep...

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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Child Neurodevelopment

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship position at The Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center at UMass Chan Medical School. The post-doc will work directly with two Principal Investigators, Drs. Sarabeth Broder-Fingert and Sohye Kim, as well as other prominent...

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Research Assistant Position at UConn CAP Lab

The Cognition, Action, and Psychophysiology (CAP) Lab (, PI: Dr. Kimberly Cuevas) in the Department of Psychological Sciences, at the University of Connecticut, Waterbury Campus is seeking a full-time Research Assistant 1. The successful...

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Associate/Full Professor Cluster Hire

The Department of Psychology at Binghamton University (SUNY) is in an active growth phase intended to expand the scope and impact of the research, teaching, service, outreach, and clinical activities we provide. Toward that end, we are seeking exceptional candidates...

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Full-Time Research Assistant (Human Research Technologist 1)

The Cognition, Affect, and Temperament Laboratory, in the College of the Liberal Arts at the Pennsylvania State University, headed by Dr. Koraly Pérez-Edgar, is seeking a full-time Research Assistant (Human Research Technologist 1). The position will ideally start as...

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PhD (including stipend and fees)

Supervised by Prof. Rhodri Cusack, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin. Investigate which neuroimaging markers in the first year of life best predict individual differences in cognitive outcome at 2 years of age using the Foundations of...

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Research Associate in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

We are looking for a developmental cognitive neuroscientist with a commitment to improving the lives of children and their families through research. You will contribute to behavioural and neuroimaging data collection from infants and 5-year-olds as part of a UKRI...

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Do you have a job or opportunity to share?

If you would like to post a position on the website, please contact us with the following information

Position title and description

Name of department/lab

Name of supervisor

Closing date