

The FIT’NG Conference is accepting abstract submissions for the Annual Conference. The 2024 FIT’NG Conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland at The Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore from September 25th – 26th, 2024. A significant proportion of the 2024 FIT’NG Conference is devoted to interactive events such as workshops and poster sessions to maximize engagement across our community.

Conference sessions will focus on fetal, infant, toddler, or longitudinal scientific content (covering the three developmental windows that are the focus of our society) and will be centered this year around the key current questions in our field including: cognitive development, social development, brain networks development, methods development, brain and behavioral states.

Submission Process

  • If you wish to copy and paste your abstract, please ensure it is in basic text format. For example, you may paste into a text editor first (i.e. Notepad) to strip any formatting
  • Graphics are encouraged but not required. Accepted graphic formats: pdf, jpeg, gif, png, or word.
  • Enter the abstract title (max 255 characters including spaces, approx. 40 words).  Please use sentence case only for the title (capitalize the first letter of the title and lower case for all other letters unless required) and do not include a period (.) at the end of the title
  • Select a keyword that most closely aligns with your submission.
  • Enter the rationale of your work (350 characters including spaces, approx. 50 words). The rationale should clarify the question or problem you are addressing in this submission and the purpose of your work using language accessible to all participants, regardless of their background.
  • Enter the abstract details (max 2500 characters, approx. 300 words including spaces).  The abstract should state the study’s objective, briefly describe the methods used, summarize the results obtained, and state the conclusions. Abstracts should emphasize the significance of results and general principles over description of common methods and procedures.
  • Enter the full author list, including secondary authors in the order they should appear.  Names, affiliations, and email addresses are required for all authors.
  • Select the primary theme your submission is most closely aligned with.
  • Abstracts should not report findings that have already been published, although presentation of the work at a recent meeting (e.g., within a year) of another society is acceptable.
  • For projects currently in process with results expected prior to the conference, “work in progress” submissions are acceptable.  Please indicate this in the title of your submission as follows: TITLE (WIP)
  • If eligible for the Young Investigator Award, include CV as a pdf document for review
  • Please note that external pre-registration (e.g., on OSF) is not required for regular submission.

Abstract Submissions are now closed. Late Breaking Abstract Submissions open June 17, 2024

*By submitting an abstract, you agree to present at the FIT’NG Conference should your abstract be selected for the program.

Key Dates

January 1, 2024 – Purchase your FIT’NG Membership

March 15, 2024 – Call for Oral & Poster Submissions Open

April 1, 2024 – Preliminary Conference Program Announced

May 15, 2024 – Last day to submit Oral & Poster Abstracts

May 31, 2024 – Registration Opens

July 15, 2024 – Last day to register at the Early Bird Rate

September 4, 2024 – Last day to register at the Regular Conference Rate

Submission Keywords

  • Methods: Data acquisition
  • Methods: Data processing
  • Methods: Analytics/Statistics
  • Methods: Tool sharing and data dissemination
  • Big data
  • Early life stress
  • Variation/Relation to symptoms
  • Clinical populations
  • Developmental psychology
  • Cognitive development
  • Emotional development
  • Prenatal programming
  • Other


Primary Themes

  • Brain and behavioral states
  • Brain network development
  • Cognitive development
  • Methods development
  • Social development

2024 FIT'NG Conference

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