Presenter Guidelines

If you are scheduled to present as part of an individual oral, flash talk, or poster presentation at the annual meeting, please take note of the following information.

Individual Oral Presentation Guidelines

All individual oral presentations are 15 minutes in length with time at the end of the session for Questions and Answers.  There will be a room monitor who will advise you of the time remaining during your presentation, kindly observe the time restrictions out of respect for the other presenters.

The meeting room will be equipped with:

  • Projector and screen (please use 16:9 slide ratio)
  • Lectern microphone
  • Laser pointer and slide advancer

You will be required to use your own laptop to connect to the LCD projector.  Please note, HDMI cables will be provided.  If you use a Mac or have a different connection, please provide your own adapters/dongles.  You are able to test your laptop during the lunch break, coffee breaks or during the poster sessions.

Please test your presentation in advance to ensure that all slides/images/videos are working properly.  It is recommended to test a minimum of 20 minutes before your session begins or at the beginning of the day/during lunch depending on your session time.  Please note, there are some sessions with very short transition times that will not allow for troubleshooting should there be an issue.

Flash Talk Presentation Guidelines

All flash talk presentations are 5 minutes in length. There will be a session chair who will advise you of the time remaining during your presentation, kindly observe the time restrictions out of respect for other presenters.

The meeting room will be equipped with:
• Projector and screen (please use 16:9 slide ratio)
• Lectern microphone
• Laser pointer and slide advancer

You will be required to provide your three to five presentation slides one week in advance of your session to be loaded on the conference laptop. Please provide the slides in .pptx format with no videos or sound files. Your flash talk is intended to be an overview of your poster to entice people to visit the poster.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Posters will be designated a specific poster session closer to the meeting date, but all poster presenters should plan their travel encompassing the last day of poster presentations, Thursday September 26th, 2024. Kindly set up and remove your posters during the allocated poster times so as not to impact other presenters.

Recommended poster information includes:
• Keep text to a minimum
• Ensure text is in large font
• Use graphs, charts and/or tables
• Ensure contents have a logical flow
• Make it colourful

The maximum size for your poster in landscape format is 4ft high x 4ft long (120cm x 120cm) but you do not need to use the full space. Push pins will be provided for you to adhere the poster to the board.

*Removal of posters at the end of the display period is the responsibility of the author(s). Posters not removed by the deadline will be removed and disposed of by meeting staff. Please note that the posters will be held at the registration desk until the end of the conference after which time they will be recycled.

*There are multiple poster sessions, kindly take note of your poster session and the set up/tear down times.  Please note, poster presenters are not required to stand at their poster during the morning break, but it is encouraged to have your poster up and be available should someone wish to discuss prior to the scheduled poster session.

Poster Session 1 – Wednesday September 25th

Set Up: Between 08:30 – 14:45

Session Time: 15:10 – 16:45

Tear Down: 16:45

Poster Session 2 – Thursday September 26th

Set Up: Between 08:30 – 15:00

Session Time: 15:25 – 17:00

Tear Down: Immediately following the poster session at 16:45