FIT’NG Together
FIT’NG Together is the umbrella term for events organized by the FIT’NG Student and Trainee committee. Through these events, we aim to create a community space to showcase cutting-edge FIT research, promote the professional development of FIT’NG trainees, and serve as a networking space for folks at all career stages. FIT’NG Together events are 60 minutes and happen monthly over Zoom.
For membership information, see our membership page.
FIT’NG members can access recordings from past events can be found when they login to the members-only webpage.
The FIT’NG Together series include:
- Practicals: Tutorials on techniques relevant to FIT’NG research. Practicals will be recorded and included on the website for members only.
- Paper Discussions: Discussions of recent cutting-edge research with the author(s) of the paper.
- Work in Progress (WIPs): Opportunities for trainees to present their preliminary work and get advice and feedback from experienced researchers. WIPs will enable trainees to present unfinished projects and get constructive and supportive feedback from the audience.
- Other Special Events: Includes “fireside” chats with established researchers, data blitzes, advice panels, and more!
How can I ask for my mentor or program to pay for my membership?
We want FIT’NG memberships to be beneficial to trainees’ professional development. We recommend spelling out the membership benefits as well as the added benefits provided by FIT’NG Together (listed below) when asking for approval to purchase your membership through your department/program/lab:
- Access to tutorials on the latest methods for Fetal, Infant, and Toddler imaging and analysis (Practicals).
- The opportunity to present your work to experts in the FIT field and receive constructive feedback (Works In Progress or WIPs). This is especially important for trainees at universities that do not have a long tradition of doing this kind of research.
- Stay up to date on major advancements in the field, and have the opportunity to meet/network with the persons driving these advancements (Paper Discussions). “
Upcoming FIT’NG Together Events
FIT’NG Together Series
SPONTaneous Activity in Brain Development – What can we infer from rodent models?
February 4, 2025 at 11:00am EST
FIT’NG presents Prof. Guillermina Lopez Bendito and Prof. Christian A. Lohmann
Rodent and human-focused neuroscience often progress in parallel, however rodent models provide critical insights into neural activity and circuit formation that inform the FIT’NG community’s human studies. In this FIT’NG Together talk, Prof. Guillermina López-Bendito and Prof. Christian Lohmann, renowned leaders in developmental neuroscience, will explore these mechanisms and the role of spontaneous activity in brain development. Prof. Lohmann’s work examines synaptic plasticity and the shaping of neural circuits, while Prof. López-Bendito focuses on neural network dynamics and brain maturation using advanced imaging. This session aims to foster dialogue on bridging research across these complementary models.
FIT’NG Together Modality Introduction Series
MRI for global health : UNITY (Ultralow field Neuroimaging In The Young)
February 25, 2025 at 11:00am EST
FIT’NG presents Dr Niall Bourke and Sharada Balaji
FIT’NG Together Recording Disclaimer
Please note that certain FIT’NG Together events are recorded. By your presence at a FIT’NG online event, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded. Your registration constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use for any purpose in accordance with the Society mission and standard of conduct. You are welcome to keep your camera off during these events, you and not the Society, is responsible for these setting options
Past FIT’NG Together Events
FIT’NG Together
Family-Centered FIT Neuroimaging in Theory and Practice
November 12, 2024 at 11:00am EST
FIT’NG Together presents: Brittany Howell, PhD and Oziomachukwu Chinaka, MPH, CHES®
Conducting infant and children neuroimaging research poses unique challenges when recruiting and retaining. Unlike adults, the decision to participate in a study requires consent from the child’s guardians and family; because of this, it is important that researchers are mindful of the way they design their studies to include considerations for the whole family unit. This presentation will discuss what family centered approaches are and the utilization of these approaches as a method to support the recruitment and retention of families with particular focus on longitudinal studies.
FIT’NG Together: Elephants in the Room Round Table Series: Inclusive Innovations in FIT Neuroimaging
Speakers: Dr. Chiara Bulgarelli and Nwabisa Mlandu
Discussant: Dr. Sonya Troller-Renfree
Tuesday July 30 at 11 am EDT
FIT’NG presents an Elephants in the Room Round Table event on “Inclusive Innovations in FIT Neuroimaging” featuring panelists Dr. Chiara Bulgarelli and Nwabisa Mlandu and discussant Dr. Sonya Troller-Renfree. After brief presentations from the panelists on technological innovations to improve inclusivity of diverse participants in FIT neuroimaging research, we will transition to a Q&A moderated by Dr. Troller-Renfree with pre-planned questions followed by questions from the audience.
FIT’NG Together : Modality Introduction Series –Exploring the Potential of 2D and 3D Transfontanellar Ultrasound: Clinical Utility and Research Perspectives in Neonatal Neurology
Speaker: Dr. Isabel Benavente-Fernández
Tuesday June 11th at 11am EST
This talk delves into the applications and advancements of 2D and 3D transfontanellar ultrasound in neonatal neurology. It explores its clinical significance in diagnosing and monitoring neurological conditions in newborns, while also aiming its potential as a tool for innovative research in the field.
FIT’NG Together Modality Introduction Series:
Towards automated analysis of the developing fetal brain from 3D ultrasound scans.
Speaker: Dr. Madeleine K. Wyburd
Tuesday March 19th at 11am EST
Normal development of the human fetal brain can be characterized by precisely timed growth and folding of the cortical plate, with deviation often associated with poor cognitive outcomes. Thus, monitoring its development has the potential to be used as an early biomarker for neurodevelopmental impairment. However, to date, the only proposed 3D cortical analysis pipelines are for MRI and are incompatible with ultrasound: the modality of choice in prenatal care. Moreover, as MRI is not always suitable or available, the ability to characterise the cortex from routine ultrasound scans has the potential to change how we perform neurodevelopmental studies. In this talk, we present a fully automated deep-learning pipeline to do just that and validate our proposal on a large subset of 1703 fetuses.
FIT’NG Together Practicals Series
Tutorial on EEG Pre-Processing and Feature Extraction for Developmental Data using the Harvard Automated Processing Pipeline for Electroencephalography (HAPPE)
February 13, 2024 at 11:00am EST
FIT’NG presents a practical on the Harvard Automated Processing Pipeline for Electroencephalography (HAPPE), led by its creator, Laurel Gabard-Durnam PhD. HAPPE is a freely available software for EEG pre-processing and feature extraction (e.g., ERPs, power, microstates) optimized for data from FIT populations. Example data will be available to follow along during the tutorial.
Tutorial Materials
To get the most out of this tutorial we recommend setting up your materials before the tutorial begins so you can follow along with Dr. Gabard-Durnam!
- Install Matlab (required to run HAPPE)
- Download HAPPE from this link:
- Download example data files (a.raw, b.raw and c.raw) from this link:
You’re all set, enjoy the tutorial!
FIT’NG Together Practicals Series
Open-access baby brains: Using fetal and neonatal developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) data in your studies
January 9, 2024 at 10:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents a FIT’NG Together Practicals Series event with speakers: Dr. Slava Karolis, Dr. Siân Wilson and Dr. Jonathan O’Muircheartaigh
Modality Introduction Series
The Basics of EEG
November 8, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents a Modality Introduction Series event with Dr. Parvaneh Adibpour and Dr. Claire Kabdebon, with Genesis Flores as a discussant
Modality Introduction Series
July 25, 2023 at 11:30am EDT
FIT’NG presents an Modality Introduction Series event with Dr. Halie Olson and Dr. Cat Camacho with Marta Korom as a discussant
Elephants in the Room Series
May 15, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents an Elepahnts in thr Room Series event with an Expert Panel featuring Dr. Judit Gervain & Dr. Scott Marek. Join them as they discuss: “Small Effect Sizes in FIT Brain-Behavior Associations”
Paper Discussion partnered with FIT’NG Developmental EEG Workshop
May 2, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents a Paper Discussion featuring Dr. Brendan Ostlund discussing “Spectral parameterization for studying neurodevelopment: How and why”. Access the paper here:
Paper Discussion partnered with FIT’NG Developmental EEG Workshop
April 18, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents a Paper Discussion featuring M.J. Heise discussing ” Utility of linear mixed effects models for event-related potential research with infants and children“
Elephants in the Room Series
March 28, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents an Expert Panel featuring Dr. Topun Austin, & Dr. Louisa Gossé, & Dr. Fabrice Wallois discussing ” Impact of Sleep on FIT Neuroimaging Signal”
Elephants in the Room Series
March 21, 2023 at 11:00am EDT
FIT’NG presents an Expert Panel featuring Dr. Salome Kurth, Dr. Rebecca Spencer, & Dr. Kimberley Whitehead discussing “Changes in Sleep during FIT Development”
Diffusion Imaging Fall Series
October 11, 2022 at 12:00pm EST
The FIT’NG Trainee Committee is pleased to announce a session “Introduction to Diffusion Imaging in Infants” with Martin Styner, PhD.
Diffusion Imaging Fall Series
November 1, 2022 at 12:00-1:30pm EST
The FIT’NG Trainee Committee is pleased to announce a session “Introduction to infant automatic fiber quantification (AFQ)” with Jason Yeatman, PhD; Mareike Grotheer, PhD; and John Kruper.
Diffusion Imaging Fall Series
November 29th, 2022 at 12:00-1:00pm EST
The FIT’NG Trainee Committee is pleased to announce a session “Introduction to TRActs constrained by UnderLying INfant anatomy (TRACULInA)” with Chiara Maffei, PhD
Practical – How to set up a multimodal observation lab
November 15, 2022 at 12:00-1:30pm EST
Reinhard Grassl – Mangold